By Robert Mackenzie
The Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) and the Freeze the Peas student rally group settled some “beef” this weekend.
Usually the word beef refers to the meat that comes from a cow, but in some cases — like this one — beef is used as a synonym for a conflict or animosity.
According to Vice-President education Jesse Root, the RSU challenged them to a battle after they realized that the March 27 Freeze the Peas rally was a satirical protest of the RSU’s ongoing Freeze the Fees campaign.
“We were completely caught off-guard when we found out we were being made fun of,” said Root. “We really thought they were just looking for a way to preserve their vegetables.”
After negotiating battle agreements, the two student groups met in the Quad on Sunday to resolve their contradicting viewpoints through a giant battle royale.
The battle lasted more than two hours. Weapons were not allowed as part of the battle agreement. According to Root, the RSU held an all-night karate training session for its members the night before.
“Honestly, we were impressed with their karate attacks,” admitted Obaid Ullah of Freeze the Peas. “We definitely were not expecting that.”
Consensus from spectators was that the RSU won the fight. However, the results are being contested after an anonymous report stated that several RSU fighters were aided by the use of nunchucks.
Because of these reports, Freeze the Peas is now protesting the outcome of the fight. “It is clear that the RSU brought weapons to the fight, and this injustice needs to be recognized,” said Ullah.
Root denies these accusations, and the RSU is now holding a counter-protest to confirm that they won the fight. “There is no credible evidence that we used weapons in the fight,” said Root. “We won fair and square.”
Ryerson administration has been brought in as a third party to investigate the fight, reviewing cell phone footage from spectators and the wounds of several of the Freeze the Peas fighters as evidence to make their decision.
The investigation is ongoing, and it doesn’t seem like the two protests will end any time soon.
More to come.
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