By Jovana Rajckovic
Welcome to the Eyeopener’s online series which celebrates the short stories, poems and other literary works from the RU Creative Writing Club. New pieces will be published weekly.
You wanted the world and that’s exactly what you got
I look at you, my dear sister, my dear younger sister
I think about how young you were and how innocent you think the world is
And I question myself about you
I question your innocence, for you have experienced more in life than I have in my 17 years
There wasn’t a time you haven’t saved me; there wasn’t a time that you didn’t help me
How could I be so selfish and not realize the hell you were going through
Why are you helping me when I have done nothing in return
Why are you saving me from my troubles, when you should be playing with your dolls
You deserve everything but instead you get nothing
My dear, dear sister, you make me fall on my knees
Making me plead for forgiveness on my selfishness
You knew how to manipulate me and I allowed you too
Because I thought that was my karma for not helping you
For just watching terrible things happen to you and shrugging it off
I didn’t know how to give back your innocence to you
Not that you had it in the first place
I’m sorry that you were born in such a messed up family
I’m sorry for being a terrible older sister to you
Will you ever forgive me
But I don’t need your forgiveness anymore
I just want you to forget me and move on
In hopes that you’ll find someone that will help you
Forget about me and leave me alone
I deserve nothing and I know you hope I get less
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