Toronto Metropolitan University's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1967

All Editorial Letter to the editor

Phone vex: March 15, 1995

By David Martin

You know I am really beginning to get pissed off at the student or students who are deliberately vandalizing the free phones on campus and ruining their use for the rest of us. The RSU is kind enough to provide those phones for we students to use, so why is it every time they are fixed some mindless asshole has to wreck them again?

Keep mutilating them and just maybe the RSU will do away with them altogether. I for one would gladly turn any person that I catch in the act of tampering with a free phone over to campus security. The best thing the RSU could do is place TV cameras by the free phones to catch those who abuse them.

My only concern is for female students because the phone proved a direct link with the main security desk. People who wreck the phones are placing student in jeopardy.

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