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Black people and Religious Enslavement: February 22, 1995

By John Boateng

“Truth” and the definition of biblical truths is a complex issue.

What one finds to be truth can be clouded by prejudice and misconceptions. Religion is a strong force which can be manipulated to serve non-spiritual purposes. The threat of death and eternal suffering can be used to manipulate and alter people’s reality.

Some so called “righteous and religious” figures of the church have used the guise of submission to God to bring about the submission of men. Religion itself, or the belief in God, is not the problem, but the misconception of human beings is. In the hands of the non-righteous, religion can be a powerful tool.

Religion and spirituality have been an integral part in the life of black people. It didn’t take missionaries to bring Christianity to Africa. It was already there. The people in the Bible were predominantly black (check the Old Testament). The whole idea that Africa was non-spiritual, and that the missionaries were bringing the Spirit to Africa, is insane. Many ancient civilizations were highly spiritual. Their way of life and their interaction within society proved that they possessed a strong relationship with God.

Those who (supposedly) Christianity to the world were not what one could considered spiritual. The missionaries acted as though they were God, killing those who said they didn’t submit. Instead of submitting to the way of God they wanted people to submit to them and their will.

Religion has been a tool which has been used to create physical and mental slavery. The most despicable in this world use symbols and elements of religion, to suppress the masses. A great example of this is the Ku Klux Klan. The main symbol of the Ku Klux Klan is the burning cross. The cross is also the main symbol of the Christian religion, representing the death of Jesus Christ. Burning the U.S. flag, a symbol of patriotism, is a criminal offence. But burning the cross, a symbol of God, is not. Isn’t any symbol of God more important than any symbol of patriotism?

This is just one example of how non-spiritual people utilize religion for their own purposes. The swastika is another religious symbol (derived from Buddhism) stolen by the Nazis and turned clockwise. Religion has been used to subliminally alter the minds of the masses (especially black people). Another symbol of the Ku Klux Klan is the garment with the pointed hood. This is just another example of how they stole a religious symbol and used it to create a negative image. The garments and the hood which the Klan now wear was originally worn by a religious group of black people in Seville, Spain, hundreds of years before the Klan existed.

Religious enslavement is not just perpetrated by those who are blatant racists, but by society at large. The worst form of religious enslavement begins, early, in the most covert ways. The first taste of “religion” occurs in school, where they erect the image of Jesus in the form of a white man. But what colour was He really? If He is indeed a white man with long flowing hair, prove it. Proving Jesus to be white is an impossible task, because he wasn’t.

It is not just black people who view Jesus and the Virgin Mary as black. Even in Europe, the Virgin Mary and Jesus were portrayed as black. The same ones who gave you the image of a white Jesus is the one who knows Him to be black. This example shows the mind-set of people who stumble blindly into traps set by those who worship men and not God.

The way this society uses religion is important, because it plays a large role in destroying the identity of African people, hiding the truth and creating the false image of white supremacy. This form of religion has been used to keep non-whites in passivity. Some believe that enduring the racism, and the poor standard of living is the only way to be truly Christian (or one with God). They believe in order to get to heaven they have to endure hell on earth.

The so-called religious places of worship are covert in their racism. In church, you are constantly seeing the image of “God” in a non so Godly form. In many cases, you can witness examples of how certain churches feel about the non-white members of the congregation. For example, in the depiction of the New Kingdom of God or heaven, there were images of animals, of every type, the lion lying with the sheep, but the only human beings in heaven were white. What does it take to prove that society has manipulated religion, to use as a weapon to keep non-whites from biblical truths, and to keep the masses in religious slavery.

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