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World o’ chocolate: February 15, 1995

By Greg Andrusczenko

That darn cupid can bring only three standard gifts to Valentine’s Day: Flowers, lingerie, and chocolate. Each have pros and cons but nothing can compare to the feeling of having a chocolate arrow jabbed in your ass.

For the past few years, Sherway Gardens Mall in Etobicoke has played home and gallery to the Chocolate Festival.

Students of the Humber College Culinary School created, right before shoppers’ eyes, thousands of tiny alcohol-filled truffles selling for only 25 cents apiece! After several dozens of these, as well as loads of free Choclairs and Crunchies, I was beginning to feel a strange body buzz. I needed a cup of java to level out. As I sipped my coffee the buzz intensified. I had been fed creeper chocolate! My body began to convulse, my heart was racing the Indy 500 and I was seeing 6-foot tall chocolate roses walk past where I was sitting. I needed a quick fix of sweet ground cocoa beans so I rushed over to the chocolate face-painting area. Having warm chocolate hearts painted onto my cheeks completely redefined my wildest body painting fantasies. Somehow, I found my way home swearing that I will never touch another candy bar…until Sherway’s next chocolate festival.

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