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The morning after: February 15, 1995

By Dana Shaw

I would like to give my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to all the students, faculty and staff who were so supportive of me before, during and after the recent executive elections. Although I did not win, I feel I have gained just as much through your confidence in me and your good wishes and kind words.

Many of you have said that you are appalled at the amount of paper used during the campaign and the lack of real information about the candidates and the issues for which they stood. Posters are clearly not the best way to reach the students, and they are no substitute for informed decision-making. I believe that students could better make decisions about their student leadership with better information accessibility.

Is it any wonder that voter turnout was only about 10 to 12 per cent? I am hoping to bring to the RSU Board of Directors a motion to control the use of posters (and paper in general) and increase access to information about the candidates—their qualifications, stand on major issues, and proposals for actions they wish to take if they are elected.

If anyone has suggestions on this, please drop them off in my box at the RSU. I would be delighted to incorporate them into my motion.

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