By Josh Bailie and Shannon Higgins
Arts & Life Editors
Choreographic Works 2009, a Ryerson Theatre School dance production, opens tonight, March 4. The Eyeopener snuck into the show to see if it’s worth spending the $14.
The show mostly features third- and fourth-year students, who both choreograph and dance in the show. The works are technically sound, filled with emotion and some sections are downright sexy.
“Pieces,” choreographed by Taryn Verkerk, stood out as one of the best and made a strong statement. Verkerk also danced in this number.
It begins with a dancer sitting on a bench, staring into the crowd. As she slowly removes a purple hoodie, four other dancers come to life, also using their brightly-coloured clothing as props. The dancing is quirky, vibrant and utterly engaging.
One of the most memorable solo pieces is “Chiaroscuro,” choreographed and performed by Jaimee Horn. The piece is intimate and raw and the mood is emphasized by dimp, red lighting. The technical work for the show was engineered by theatre production students.
There are weaker moments during large group pieces when some dancers didn’t stay in-sync. Also, the first two numbers were a tad underwhelming.
Nonetheless, the beautifully eclectic song selection was a great distraction from the few holes.
So, if you’re looking for an entertaining night and you have an appreciation for dance, this is a great choice.
Tickets are $14 for students and seniors, and $18 for adults. The show runs until the 14th.
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