By Diana Hall
Associate News Editor
Alan Shepard, Ryerson’s provost and vice-president academic, has been appointed president and vice-chancellor of Concordia University effective August 1, 2012 the Montreal university announced Friday.
The appointment comes after Shepard received a unanimous recommendation by the Presidential Search Committee at Concordia. He was to be introduced to the school community in a joint Board of Governors and Senate meeting April 24 before student protesters interrupted the event.
Shepard joined Ryerson University in 2007, where he contributed to a host of policy, budgetary and curriculum advancements. In collaboration with the Senate and members of the Ryerson community, Shepard restructured the university’s strategic planning in Shaping Our Future: An Academic Plan for Ryerson 2008-2013. The framework targeted student engagement, partnerships and student-responsive program planning as key areas for innovation at Ryerson.
An interim provost will be appointed by President Levy in accordance with the Policy and Procedures Relating to Search Committees and Appointments in the Academic Administration (AAA Policy) before a permanent successor can be named.
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