Communities People of Ryerson: Newfie Mike April 10, 2015 You might’ve seen him by the Pitman Quad. Or you might’ve seen him by Lake Devo
Business & Technology Director of DMZ replaced by Abdullah Snobar April 8, 2015 Taking Valerie Fox's place is Abdullah Snobar, current director of student engagement and business development.
Student Politics Motion to no longer recognize First Nations lands proposed April 8, 2015 The motion asked the RSU to no longer recognize the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation as owners of the land that Ryerson sits on.
Campus News The horrors of Pitman Hall April 7, 2015 Uncomfortable living conditions, questionable policies and possible bylaw violations have those living in Pitman Hall asking whether the money they paid to stay in the building was worth the stress.
Business & Technology Panning out Pan Am games volunteering April 7, 2015 The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is offering benefits to university students who are volunteering for the Pan Am and Parapan Am Games this summer — but are they worth it?
Business & Technology Entrepreneurship: A summer job April 7, 2015 A summer program is set to launch for Ryerson students who want to start their own business and earn money at the same time.
Campus News Ryerson’s year in review April 7, 2015 The news team saw the good, the bad, and the just plain weird. Here are our picks for stories that defined the 2014-2015 school year
Fun & Satire RSU v. Peas battle April 7, 2015 By Robert Mackenzie The Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) and the Freeze the Peas student rally group settled some “beef” this weekend. Usually the word beef refers to the meat that comes from a cow, but in some cases — like this one — beef is used as a synonym for a conflict or […]
Features Getting In Your Reps April 7, 2015 A survey looks into the use of women-only hours at campus gyms.
Sports Nursing student to sail at Pan Am games April 7, 2015 When Brenda Bowskill was six years old, her parents enrolled her in a sailing summer program while they went to work. She didn’t mind — they already lived on their boat during the summer — but she never imagined that those classes would lead her to the Pan American games this July in Toronto and possibly the Olympics next year in Rio.
Fun & Satire Study: Catcalling very effective April 7, 2015 A study by the Canadian Ladies’ Man Coalition (CLMC) found that the words “baby,” “princess” and “sweet cheeks” have a 99.99 per cent success rate at getting a woman’s attention.
Business & Technology Summer income-ing April 7, 2015 We asked 100 Rye students about their summer prospects. Here are the results, collected by Josie Mills