Arts & Culture Women still flock to the Hawk November 5, 2003 By Adam Gonshor Throughout his five-decade musical career, Ronnie Hawkins has been surrounded by beautiful women. Although he jokingly credits his good looks and beautiful body for attracting the ladies, he says the secret is in his profession. “All rock and rollers have a problem with women flocking to them. All you have to do […]
Arts & Culture Student would drop out for VJ spot November 5, 2003 One Ryerson student discovers that high energy and a knowledge of pop culture is only the first step towards becoming a MuchMusic VJ
Mice infest campus November 5, 2003 By Robyn Doolittle In her four years at Ryerson, Kristy Holzworth had never seen a mouse — until two weeks ago. Since then she’s seen three. Holzworth, 25, screamed in terror last week when a mouse ran over her foot while she sat at her desk. The program assistant works on the seventh floor of […]
Campus awash with apathy November 5, 2003 By Owen Leitch Fifty-nine per cent of Ryerson students don’t plan on voting in the upcoming mayoral election, according to a survey conducted by the Eyeopener. As the tight race for Toronto’s top job heats up, candidates are looking to attract the student vote. While David Miller was the most popular candidate in the poll, […]
Features Mission: Accomplished November 5, 2003 He leaps from tall buildings in a single bounce. He back flips off towering boulders. And one day he might kick Jackie Chan’s ass.
Power bills heat up November 5, 2003 By Vanessa Farquharson Ryerson and its students could be hit with higher electricity bills as early as December. After lambasting the Tories for leaving behind a $5.6 billion deficit, Premier Dalton McGuinty warned last week that the current rate cap of 4.3 cents a kilowatt-hour may have to be lifted. McGuinty called for an official […]
Prof dying of ALS November 5, 2003 Students raise funds for popular teacher afflicted by Lou Gehrig's disease
Davis gets free degree, slams high tuition fees November 5, 2003 By Dalson Chen Former Ontario Premier Bill Davis decried the rising cost of university education while speaking at Ryerson’s Fall 2003 Convocation last week. “Education at the post-secondary level must be available to every qualified young person,” said Davis. “No one should be prejudiced in any way for lack of economic resource.” Turning to Ryerson […]
Fall break up for debate November 5, 2003 Options for second reading week already drafted. Final decision could come by December
Arts & Culture BEST RAPPER IN THE WORLD October 31, 2003 By Jennifer Fong Being humble and soft-spoken are two rare qualities in the rap world today, but they are among the first things you notice about up and coming rapper Arabesque, also known as Aramaic. Arabesque, 22, whose real name is Steve Kawalit, is a fourth-year graphic communications management student at Ryerson. If his name […]