Arts & Culture Where are they now? September 24, 1997 A look at the stars from your childhood and what they’re up to now
Arts & Culture Rising Rye stars in musical September 24, 1997 Echoes in concert on for one night only
Arts & Culture Cheesefest in 3-D, yeehaw! September 10, 1997 Film fest will make you jump out of your seat
Arts & Culture Shafted at the Film Festival September 10, 1997 An Eye reporter goes star stalking at T.O.'s annual schmooze fest
Arts & Culture Truckin’ with September 67 March 12, 1997 By Mike Watier Interviews in stuffy offices can be really boring. If it were up to me…I’d hold it somewhere else. Same interview, different setting for a portrait of September 67 and their music. So this interview will take place on a late spring afternoon in my dirty red pickup, driving through an empty countryside. […]
Arts & Culture Not so quiet RIOT March 12, 1997 Annual Ryerson comedy show injects Canadian satire into American culture