Sports Forrester is a find November 6, 2002 The best women’s baller at Rye is not a registered student
Party leads to student eviction November 6, 2002 Three Ryerson students are facing eviction from their Neill-Wycik town house because they refuse to let the building’s board split them up.
Communities Fists rise through thick and thin November 6, 2002 For some members, being part of the political art collective Taring Padi has meant an invasion by far right extremists, shunning galleries and jamming in hardcore bands. Kevin Ritchie gives the details in the second of his two-part series.
Sports Ram’s key additions: New coach is old school November 6, 2002 New men’s assistant coach Patrick Williams is a young coach with an old school attitude.
The man behind the outrage November 6, 2002 Today, as RyeSAC’s vice-president finance and services, Wasti is a familiar face around campus, particularly since his very public attack on RyeSAC last week.
Ryerson president may face libel suit November 6, 2002 Members of the RyeSAC executive are considering suing Ryerson’s president, a RyeSAC executive and a campus newspaper in the wake of a controversial letter released to the Ryerson community last week.
Arts & Culture Hub to host future Second City stars November 6, 2002 It has spawned some of the funniest improve comedians and performers Toronto stages has ever seen, and has been a Toronto fixture for almost 30 years. Now, The Second City is coming to Ryerson.
Conference attacks hate November 6, 2002 Yelling doesn’t do anything to make people more tolerant, Zahra Dhanani told a capacity crowd at last week’s Bent on Change II conference
Arts & Culture FLOW DJ gets her news on November 6, 2002 Every weekday, Jemeni, formerly Ryerson graduate Joanne Gairy, co-hosts the Morning Rush on FLOW 93.5. She delivers the entertainment news, but her listeners know she is more than just a voice giving the low-down on the music industry.
Rye too dry, survey says October 30, 2002 Ryerson’s extracurricular activities are the worst in Canada, according to a Globe and Mail survey release last Wednesday.
VP calls student government corrupt October 30, 2002 RyeSAC’s top money man accused the student government of being “corrupt, nepotistic and shortsighted” in a letter issued to the Ryerson community Monday afternoon.