Arts & Culture Fish piss and lunchmeat dreams September 30, 1998 A zine festival comes to Toronto. A lot of crazy stuff comes with it.
Arts & Culture Aspiring Beatnicks September 30, 1998 Lorrette C. Thiessen writes of success, sincerity and the starving, but surviving, poets of Toronto.
Federal sector work seen dull: study September 30, 1998 Canadian university students don’t want to work for the federal government.
Sports Rams get help from St. Mike’s September 30, 1998 The Ryerson Rams hockey team has a secret weapon this year. He’s 6’1”, blond and has played hockey since he was 8.
Communities Culture Shock: Stick it to your friends, Japanese style September 30, 1998 Forget about cars, cameras and Walkmans, Japan’s true genius lies in designing fun and completely frivolous forms of entertainment. “Purikura,” short for “print club,” is a funky version of a photo booth that takes your picture and magically transforms it into a sheet of 16 little stickers.
Ontario’s fee deregulation called ‘test case’ for Canada September 30, 1998 The Tory government’s deregulation of tuition fees is a “test case” for the rest of the country, said the Canadian Federation of Students lobby group.
Sports Athletics marketing machine needs a boost September 30, 1998 When it comes to promoting athletics, Ryerson is finding that ideas are almost as scarce as the fans attending games.
Communities Escape Ryerson September 30, 1998 Mike Anthony learns how to leave the concrete and smog of Toronto without leaving class
Sports There’s something about Eggy September 30, 1998 The five scheduled sacred Eggy the Ram heads which used to hang in The Edge (now the Games Room) are scattered throughout Ryerson. Each head belongs to the five former Eggies who all represented the school and brought luck to the sports teams.
I want to believe! September 30, 1998 In the past 50 years, Ryerson’s student government has had it all: gender politics, scandal, criminal activity and impeachments. The people who have run — whether they have won or not — have certainly left their mark.
Engineering a prank: Pub sign stolen from Oakham House September 30, 1998 Last Thursday was just another day at Ryerson until Leatrice Spevack found a note slipped under her office door.