Crack on campus October 18, 1995 Ryerson security found 28 rocks of crack cocaine in a campus alley early Monday morning.
Beer-a-palooza October 18, 1995 Last Friday night in Kitchener was like that Simpsons episode where Homer dreams he is magically transported to the land of chocolate. Except this time it was beer, and it wasn’t a dream, it was Oktoberfest.
Eye flashes: October 18, 1995 October 18, 1995 RyeSAC celebrated National Students’ Day last Wednesday with an open house and free food. And they did it alone.
“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” October 11, 1995 An unidentified man fainted last Friday afternoon at the corner of Yonge and Gould.
Arts & CultureEntertainment Entertain-dement: October 11, 1995 October 11, 1995 Saying this may bring death upon me, but Morrissey is to England what Bryan Adam is to Canada.
Arts & CultureEntertainment Snap, crackle, Pop October 11, 1995 Design Exchange showcases art from the ‘60s to the ‘90s