Arts & CultureEntertainment Madmen and English-trained October 4, 1995 British director-done good sets up shop in Toronto
Features STAR WOES: Once upon a time, in a living room far, far away… October 4, 1995 If you love someone, encase them in carbonite
Arts & CultureEntertainment Eye was there: October 4, 1995 October 4, 1995 Douglas Coupland, Naomi Wolf and more
Arts & CultureEntertainment ‘95 CMVA’s: Good Riddance Steve Anthony October 4, 1995 Muchmusic’s video awards give Canada a prize with VJ’s retirement
Question of the week: October 4, 1995 October 4, 1995 If Jean Chretien was one of the seven dwarves, which one would he be?
Bag O’ Crime: October 4, 1995 October 4, 1995 Ryerson almost broke the Canadian record for consecutive fires for one university.
Eye flashes: October 4, 1995 October 4, 1995 The Edge is teetering on the brink of extinction after a dismal first month.
EditorialOpinion internet opinions: Do you think there is a minority acceptance problem at Ryerson? October 4, 1995 The Eyeopener is now on MATRIX, asking for your opinions on a different topic every week.