SAC ELECTION: OUTWIT, OUTPLAY, OUTLAST January 26, 2005 All you need to know about the 2005 RyeSAC election.
TAMPERED COATS GONE FROM BOOKSTORE January 26, 2005 Bookstore found selling illegally-labelled jackets.
MORE POLITICS, FEWER PROFS January 26, 2005 A new politics degree starting in the fall will save Ryerson money at the expense of teachers, say concerned faculty.
SCENT AWAY January 26, 2005 If you plan to visit your English, history, or Spanish professors in their offices, you are entering a scent-free zone.
Editorial IF IT CAN’T BE DONE PROPERLY… January 26, 2005 As Editor-in-Chief I would like to inform our loyal readers--or at least loyal readers of this column--The Eyeopener will not be covering this year's RyeSAC election.
SECURITY REDESIGN NEEDED January 26, 2005 Despite several recent break-ins and thefts, there are still two ways to get into Ryerson's school of interior design these days.
‘JEWEL’ LACKS LOUNGE January 26, 2005 Students aren't impressed with Alumni Magazine's "Jewel of Church Street".
LEFT OUT IN THE COLD January 26, 2005 Sunday's power outage caused ILLC residents to evacuate to nearby Pitman Hall.
DEXIT COULD WED ONE CARD January 26, 2005 Dexit has been in discussions to merge with Ryerson's One Card, according to RyeSAC's vice president of finance.
Features ZAPATISTAS STILL MARCH ON January 19, 2005 Last week, Mexican preisdent Vicente Fox made assurances that the conflict in southern Mexico was over. Reporter Erica Rodd takes a closer look.
Sports POKING FUN January 19, 2005 Eyeopener sports writers learn the sword is actually mightier than the pen.
Sports RAMS VOLLEYBALL #8 IN CIS January 19, 2005 As York University (11-0) drops to #10 nationally, Ryerson (9-3) becomes top-ranked in Ontario with win at York tournament.