Student pub may face bulldozers September 10, 1997 Ryerson students may be losing their favourite pub
Rocket ride reduction? September 10, 1997 Commuting students may have an extra $23 a month to drop at the bar if Barbara Hall has her way.
Student charged with spanking gets the boot September 10, 1997 A Ryerson student charged with spanking a man on campus won’t be back in classes because he doesn’t make the grade — academically.
Arts & Culture Shafted at the Film Festival September 10, 1997 An Eye reporter goes star stalking at T.O.'s annual schmooze fest
More than McJobs August 19, 1997 By Deborah Gardner The Liberals hope their Youth Employment Strategy will help cut unemployment lines for university students. But many could go back to long summers of serving fries. The government hopes its long awaited strategy will create up to 110,000 summer jobs and career-related internships for students. “This will help students to be more […]
Anime group suspended for non-Rye leader March 12, 1997 By Shane Dingman A month ago RyeSAC’s Board of Directors recognized the Japanese Art Appreciation Society as an official RyeSAC student group. Last Thursday the board realized that it made a booboo. Martin Aziz, of University of Ryerson Anime, a club celebrating Japanese animation, sent a scathing letter to Leatrice Spevack, student groups coordinator. In […]
Arts & Culture Truckin’ with September 67 March 12, 1997 By Mike Watier Interviews in stuffy offices can be really boring. If it were up to me…I’d hold it somewhere else. Same interview, different setting for a portrait of September 67 and their music. So this interview will take place on a late spring afternoon in my dirty red pickup, driving through an empty countryside. […]
Arts & Culture Not so quiet RIOT March 12, 1997 Annual Ryerson comedy show injects Canadian satire into American culture
Complaints of prof span a decade March 12, 1997 By Renata D’Aliesio A Ryerson photography professor has decided to go on sick leave after 10 years of complaints from students. The decision was made three weeks ago after administration received visits from students unhappy with professor Don Dickinson’s performance. “We didn’t hear any complaints this year until the dam bursts a couple of weeks […]
Sports Rams lose tough one to nation’s top team March 12, 1997 By Sean Fitz-Gerald The Ryerson men’s basketball season came to an end last Friday night at Varsity Arena, signalling the end of a career for OUAA East All Star and Rams forward Scott Belasco. The team lost their conference semi-final to number-one ranked Laurentian Voyageurs by a respectable 84-75 score. “We thought we could come […]