Sports Rams feel they’re unbeatable at season end February 12, 1997 Volleyball team off to play Blues in Friday opening round
Thank you, Gladys February 12, 1997 By Jessica Cosentino The voice of Ryerson is celebrating her 45th anniversary this week. Gladys Doyle, 63, the first person callers speak to when phoning the university, has been working at Ryerson’s switchboard for 45 years. She is the school’s longest-serving employee. Doyle was only 18 when she was hired by Ryerson’s founding principal, Howard […]
Arts & Culture Bonkers for Yonkers February 12, 1997 By Jill Koskitalo Too often it seems that much of the theatre done in Toronto’s smaller venues tends to be deep, experimental drama. The sort of plays that leave the flamboyantly dressed, self-appointed theatre critics raving about how the naked midget was symbolic of our internal struggle for identity and the rest of us scratching […]
Communities About last night February 12, 1997 By Kerrie-Lee Brown Imagine you and your partner are having sex when the condom breaks or slips off. Did you forget to take your regular birth control as well? What is your first thought? Pregnancy? Maybe. Maybe not. But if it is, you will most likely spend the next morning wondering if you are pregnant. […]
Features A sheltered existence February 12, 1997 Audrey Tournay left city life to form the Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary. Now, a whole community of rehabilitators has made the area a haven for injured animals
Board of Directors still lacks a chair February 12, 1997 By Vanessa Thomas President Victoria Bowman failed to appoint a permanent chair to the RyeSAC Board of Directors for the 11 meetings since last May. “Many people would feel it is unprofessional to elect a chair during each meeting,” said Michael Durrant, communications and services manager for RyeSAC. “How would you like a president that […]
Waste not, want not at Ryerson February 12, 1997 By Renata D’Aliesio Oscar the Grouch would find tons of trash for his collection in Ryerson’s dumpsters. Rye produces an average of 54 cubic-metres of garbage each day. That is enough trash to fill about eleven of those blue garbage containers sitting outside Gould and Church Streets. McMaster University in Hamilton, which has 280 more […]
Communities Identity crisis February 5, 1997 Caught in between cultures, Canadian-born Chinese discover a bridge leading to the best of both worlds
Features Fasting for faith February 5, 1997 During the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from daybreak to sunset. Why 1.2 billion people observe this holy tradition
Sports Strike! Bowling captures the style of the ’90s February 5, 1997 By Renata D’Aliesio Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble used to sneak out to play it. In the ‘60s it was as cool as greasy hair and poodle skirts. Today bowling is making a comeback. It’s louder, darker and more colourful and hipper than ever. The game has changed a lot since the days of Grease […]
Nurses look south for jobs February 5, 1997 By Joan Vanduzer As graduation approaches, students are scrambling to find job opportunities in a dog-eat-dog work force. Is Ryerson adjusting to meet the ever changing needs of employers? This week The Eyeopener begins a two-month long look at Ryerson programs, and how students are starting their careers. Will the pain ever stop? Mount Sinai […]
Positive Space opens residence doors February 5, 1997 By Deborah Churchill The small rainbow-coloured triangle sticker you see on doors, knapsacks and binders around campus is becoming a well-known symbol for lesbians, gays and bisexuals. The Positive Space Campaign, launched in October, is working to create a comfortable atmosphere for students to express themselves. “There are more people supportive of lesbians, gays and […]