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Punks deface posters

By Julie Williamson

Incidents of hate-motivated graffiti and vandalism of student group posters on campus are on the rise, according to Ryerson security.

Terry Ladouceur, Ryerson’s security manager, said the number of racist and homophobic graffiti incidents are the highest he has seen in his five years at Ryerson.

Security has found student group posters torn, burnt and defaced by graffiti, but would not identify the victimized groups for fear of making them further targets.

From September to January, 17 hate-motivated incidents were reported to security, including two over the Christmas break.

“It has been found in washrooms, study carrols, outside buildings in the alley,” said Ladouceur.

He said no one has been caught, as the incidents were reported after they occurred.

RyeSAC President Angelo DeLuca said: “I think it is a few strange students that have nothing better to do with their time and clearly do not understand what this university stands for.

“To deface your university, is, for one, unintelligent. And the other thing is that to perpetuate any kind of hate is cowardice.”


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