Alumni association receives platinum rewards October 19, 2010 The Ryerson Mastercard may have cardholders frowning at interest payments, but it has Ryerson’s alumni association smiling.
Ryerson menu grabs PETA’s attention October 19, 2010 Campus in the running for title of most vegan-friendly university, but vegan students not impressed with lack of options
In defence of Rob Ford October 19, 2010 Loud, red-faced and brash, Rob Ford is the mayoral candidate many Torontonians love to hate.
Features City council candidates fight for votes October 19, 2010 As Election Day nears, front-running Ward 27 candidates are eager to show students why they deserve their vote. Mohamed Omar looked into who they are and what they can offer Ryerson students.
Sports Pre-season jitters October 19, 2010 The women’s basketball team display their youth and inexperience in a pre-season tournament Kai Benson and Sean Tepper report
Sports Handing out money for the wrong reasons October 19, 2010 This is incredibly difficult to say, but somebody’s gotta say it: Sandy Pothier didn’t deserve to have a $5,000 bursary named after her.
Sports When tragedy strikes a team October 19, 2010 After 18 years behind the bench, Sandy Pothier has been sidelined by cancer. With a new coach and an inexperienced roster, how will the women’s basketball team rebound without her? Stefanie Wright reports
New rec software costs $80,000 October 19, 2010 Ryerson purchased new recreation software for $80,000 that will allow students to register for services online.
Podcasts Podcast: October 13, 2010 October 18, 2010 Headlines and Deadlines is the Eyeopener's radio show about what's making news at Ryerson for the week. Listen in to CKLN 88.1FM at 6 p.m. on Sundays and 6 a.m. on Wednesdays for all your campus news.
Podcasts Podcast: October 6, 2010 October 18, 2010 Headlines and Deadlines is the Eyeopener's radio show about what's making news at Ryerson for the week. Listen in to CKLN 88.1FM at 6 p.m. on Sundays and 6 a.m. on Wednesdays for all your campus news.
Arts & Culture Hit the road jack October 18, 2010 Guest blogger, Luc Rinaldi describes how keeping a band together compares to making a long-distance relationship last.