Arts & CultureEntertainment Eye discs: October 11, 1995 October 11, 1995 I found I wanted to use a sharp object on myself after listening to Tails
Arts & CultureEntertainment Rare-ing to go October 11, 1995 Canadian band Rare Indeed on threshold of “success”
Arts & CultureEntertainment Madmen and English-trained October 4, 1995 British director-done good sets up shop in Toronto
Arts & CultureEntertainment Eye was there: October 4, 1995 October 4, 1995 Douglas Coupland, Naomi Wolf and more
Arts & CultureEntertainment ‘95 CMVA’s: Good Riddance Steve Anthony October 4, 1995 Muchmusic’s video awards give Canada a prize with VJ’s retirement
Arts & CultureEntertainment Dawn of the living dead September 27, 1995 T.O. rockers take music scene by storm
Arts & CultureEntertainment Wham, bam, thank you Slam September 27, 1995 Comedy Slam ‘95 way better than that film fest thingamajig