Business & TechnologyVideo Video: DMZ demo – mobile app April 8, 2011 Petar Kramaric explains the DMZ's work on a mobile public transit app.
Business & TechnologyVideo Video: DMZ demo – touchscreen April 8, 2011 Adrian Bulzacki of ARB Labs shows us some of his ongoing work at the Digital Media Zone.
No quorum at RSU AGM April 8, 2011 The Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) was adjourned early after failing to meet the 100 minimum students needed for quorum. After delaying the meeting on April 6 for nearly an hour, most motions were pushed back to the next fall meeting.
Video Box outside RCC not a threat April 7, 2011 Police have determined the suspicious package outside the Rogers Communication Centre (RCC) is not a threat.
EyeBlog Eyeopener Click Picks: April 7 April 7, 2011 Technology that is too intelligent, advice for artists and alien politicians.
SportsVideo Video: Intramural basketball April 6, 2011 The Monstars take on Fab 5 in the final of the intramurals - league b.
EyeBlog Reader of the week April 6, 2011 Spotted: student reading this weeks issue of The Eyeopener, available on stands until August 2011. Pick up a copy to find out about censorship on campus, and more news at Ryerson. Photo by Chelsea Pottage
EyeBlog Photo of the Day April 6, 2011 April 6 2011 Canceled classes in Vic Building all day due to broken water main. Photo by Chelsea Pottage
New building halts subway plans April 6, 2011 After three years of planning, Ryerson is set to unveil the $112 million design for the Student Learning Centre (SLC) at Yonge and Gould Streets on April 6. But the costly project means no money for a potential student subway entrance.
Water main break cuts Rye power April 6, 2011 A city water main broke around 5 a.m. just under the Victoria building on Ryerson campus, causing the power to be shut off at 285 Victoria St., the Chang School and the Image Arts building.
Features You are free to agree April 5, 2011 Post-secondary education conjures up notions of philosophical lectures, new ideas and self-discovery. But associate news editor Rebecca Burton discovers that, at Ryerson, it’s all about a strict formula to a normalized education
The top news stories of the year April 5, 2011 Here are our picks for Ryerson's top news stories of the year.