A texbook case February 5, 1997 By Angela Forgeron New changes to a Parliamentary bill could force students to pay more and wait longer for books. If passed, Bill C-32 will stop or restrict booksellers from importing used textbooks into Canada and from buying books from U.S. publishers. The Ryerson Bookstore manager, Peter Brunner, said most of the used textbooks students […]
Spanish class bueno for business February 5, 1997 By Susan Nerberg Increased demand and a surge in trade with Latin American countries are bringing Spanish courses to Ryerson this fall. The French Department will start offering day and night courses in Spanish starting this September. Jean-Paul Chavy, chair of the French Department, said there’s a natural relation between Spanish and French. “Spanish shares […]
Election rejection January 29, 1997 By Jackie Burns RyeSAC won’t let a former VP administration candidate run in this week’s election. Brenda Kritsch, a third-year business student, discussed pulling out of the race ust before the all-candidates debate last Tuesday, Jan. 21, with the election’s chief returning officer Kester Birch. Birch announces Kritsch’s decision at the debate, although she hadn’t […]
Rye accepts donation January 22, 1997 By Saleem Khan Ryerson received $12,000 so theft charges against a Metro businessman would be dropped. But Ryerson doesn’t seem to be concerned where the money is coming from. “We’re not the donations police,” Bob Crow, executive director of university advancement said. “I was as surprised as anyone to read the Globe and Mail story,” […]
Car break-ins prompt action January 22, 1997 By Jackie Burns Ryerson campus and surrounding streets were hot spots for car break-ins last month, and Ryerson security said the crimes won’t simmer down anytime soon. Chris Beninger, Ryerson’s Crime Preventions Officer, said incidents have been going on for months. “It’s an ongoing problem. It always will be,” he said. Police arrested 37 people […]
Guilty plea in gay-bashing case January 22, 1997 By Philippe Devos The man who attacked a Ryerson professor he thought was gay pleaded guilty to assault Tuesday. Steven Wong, 22, of Murray St. in Brantford, say nervously in the prisoners box as Judge E. Ormston heard the case. Wong offered an apology before sentencing. “I’d just like to say I’m sorry for what […]
Smokers’ haven at Ryerson January 22, 1997 By Deborah Gardner Students heading to The Cavern may still be able to light up when Toronto’s smoking ban takes effect in March. Ken James, former facility manager of Oakham House, hopes Toronto will allow them to use The Cavern as the required 25 per cent smoking area. The City of Toronto’s non-smoking bylaw required […]
Making airwaves January 22, 1997 By Bernadette Johnson RyeSAC wants to do it live. RyeSAC VP administration Angelo DeLuca submitted a proposal to campus radio station CKLN for a weekly half-hour show to cover issues on campus life at Ryerson surrounding universities. He says he was prompted to create this kind of show because Ryerson is now well represented on […]
Food vs. faith: An unhealthy fight January 22, 1997 Muslim group, nutrition school clash over use of hallway space
Long hours for VPs? January 22, 1997 By Shane Dingman Campaigning for the RyeSAC executive has started, but it remains to be seen whether the candidates understand what will be expected of them once they take office. Incoming VPs are told on their nomination form they will be expected to work for 20 hours a week, even though they may have to […]