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CKLN case kicked out of court

By Cary Mills

An injunction that threatened to temporarily shut down CKLN was tossed out of court last Friday. Instead, the judge sent the case to be resolved by judicial mediation. Ex-board member Mary Young filed the injunction in October 2009. “CKLN is probably in breach of about 15 or 20 bylaws right now,” said Patrick Summers, Young’s lawyer. Young’s problems with CKLN include an alleged lack of independence from the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU), lack of audited financial statements and elections that didn’t follow bylaws. An alleged disregard for conflict of interest was also mentioned, involving CKLN and RSU. “He’s wearing two hats, I say one’s a hat of conflict,” said Summers about RSU vice-president finance and services Toby Whitfield. Summers said he serves as a representative on CKLN’s board and as Student Centre treasurer. “The RSU doesn’t have any interest in the way that CKLN operates,” said Whitfield. He also said he was not contacted for the case. One concern was a change in agreement with the Student Centre that could allegedly make CKLN vacate their location if bylaws are breached. The agreement was not submitted as evidence so CKLN’s lawyer would not comment. Young’s requests include an annual general meeting, creation of audited financial statements, appointment of new directors and inspection of the station. CKLN’s board refused to comment on the case.

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