Toronto Metropolitan University's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1967

All Fun & Satire

Discrepancy found in FUNding

By Pew Chalmers

The annual report on the fun section’s funding has found incongruities between Funvertisement spending and the section’s total revenue.

According to the report, sponsors paid a total of $334,000 for their Funvertisement space in print, along with another $422,000 for their Funvertisement space online.

The gross revenue in the report only accounts for $500,000 dollars of this Funvertisement money.

This leaves more than $250,000 in unaccounted-for Funvertisement revenue.

There was also more than  $160,000 allocated in two categories new to the annual report: travel expenses and vehicle accomodation.

Fun editor Robert Mackenzie declined to comment on these financial inconsistencies.

More to come.

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